Currently, some players are experiencing a problem where their steps are not being counted. Please try reinstalling the app, as this may resolve the issue.
We will continue to investigate this issue.
Status: Under investigation
Currently, some players are experiencing a problem where their steps are not being counted. Please try reinstalling the app, as this may resolve the issue.
We will continue to investigate this issue.
Status: Under investigation
This is a huge problem. Please fix this quickly.
I’ve got a giant seedling stuck in the planter since yesterday when my steps stopped tracking in the middle of my walk (I already reported this to tech support).
Was about to try to grow the seedling this morning and noticed problem still present. Google fit says my step count is 369, and the game says 91. I also think the game only logs my steps if the app is open, and only a fraction. If it is closed or even sleeping, I don’t think it’s logging anything at all, not positive though.
Google fit seems to delay showing my steps on it’s home screen. Yesterday, Google fit only logged about 80% of my usual step count for my usual route, so it’s a bit suspect too.
This is breaking gameplay (and during the final days of the 2025 party hat challenges, too).
Also already reported in-app.
This is also happening with my apple brand devices as well
Reinstalling the app helped me. After reinstalling I went on my usual walk and the count was as expected and I had my phone locked during the time.
And reinstalling the app didn’t work with me…
There is 2 solutions going to Pikmin bloom settings in your phone:
In 2 have to put birthday and account, plus they ask for all the permits but it’s what I do to solve this.
Nr 1 i can try, nr2 Ive done that already.
I even unlinked my Google account and relinked it…
Still, it says today under a 2000 steps, when it’s really 11662…
But, thnx soooooo much for another possible solution!!!
Its not going to delete my progress if I delete the app, right? My account will be safe?
No, just need to log back in with your account. …