Completing Event Expeditions And Not Progressing!

Defeating the purpose of the game

I joined Pikmin Bloom around 3 years ago and I have always enjoyed it. The last event, the Easter Event there were glitches, and I tried to contact the game developers but it was impossible to get answers.

This new Event, I’m completing the expeditions and not progressing pass stage 1. It’s upsetting and frustrating because I have bought coins, purchased the bonus clothing, bought extra mushroom tickets to help out friends yet WHY are you making it so difficult to play!

Yesterday i completed 3 mushroom expeditions and my mii was still on the first stage part 2, today again completed the task. Guess what? I’m still stuck on 1st Stage part 2!! Please help me find a way to complain, there must be a way to fix this.

I feel like I’m getting to the point of quitting the game all together. If someone can direct me to someone who I can speak to for support/help. Please comment. Thank you

Hi, @SarahIvy! We’re thrilled to welcome you to the community forum!

We’re sorry to hear about the trouble. Could you please try a different Expedition? Try sending your Pikmin for a Fruit or a Seedling Expedition and check if the tasks are getting registered.

Hi, thank you for your response. I have tried different things already. I’ve tried sending my Pikmin for fruit, sending them to collect seedlings. Removed the app, and installed it again!

Sorry to hear that the issue is persisting. Could you please contact us through in-app support so we can further investigate this?