German localization problem

#3 Bug in achievement for mission

There is “/n”, should be “next line”

In length: “Eine Belohnung/nfürs Pflanzen!” should be:
“Eine Belohnung
fürs Pflanzen!”

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There are German localization problems.

#1 There is a missing space for mushroom invites

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#2 Expedition medal progress

There is “Noch {0} {1}!” but should be “Noch {0} Expeditionen!”

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Hi, @MelloYelo! We’re thrilled to welcome you to the community forum!

We have reported this to our development team. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

I would like to update you on the situation: as of version 93, bugs #1 and #2 are solved. I assume #3 is also solved, but I have not had time to test it yet. Thank you for the swift and efficient support.

This Bug #3 wasn’t fixed in v93.
@NianticModAK @NianticModGA @NianticModPH @NianticModTY @NianticModEH