Nectar, Petal, Tag/Sort Function In Pikmin Bloom

I would like to have a search function or a tag function for the Pikmin. I often keep the Pikmin I’m going to release until I’m out of petals in a certain color and then grab all of the petals from releasing a group of Pikmin to replenish my jars quickly. I hate scrolling through hundreds of Pikmin to find the ones I renamed for deletion.

I also travel and like to keep some from different locations. It would be nice to easily see which Pikmin came from where!


I feel that the sorting for nectar and petals is a bit limited, would we benefit more from being able to sort them by number?

ie. sort from highest quantity to lowest quantity and vice versa

It would help prevent overflow and make it easier to use up petals with higher numbers without switching to another kind as frequently.


Hi @cschintz & @ferigaze! Welcome to the community forum.

@ferigaze! I’ve merged your post with a related thread for visibility.

Thanks ! I hope this brings more attention to our concerns so they can be addressed !

I often lose track of special flowers and nectars that I have a lot of, I would like a way to sort them by number so I don’t end up forgetting about more special ones because the only ones I end up seeing are the three normal at the top, being able to sort by number would eliminate that issue for me and would be an extremely helpful feature. It would help prevent overflow and make it easier to use up petals with higher numbers without switching to another kind as frequently.