It’s been raining here all day. Yet in game it’s been cloudy. How can the weather be so wrong? I am trying to get rainy day Pikmin. But if the weather isn’t being correctly displayed that isn’t going to happen.
Another day where we have had a downpour for the last 6 hours and it’s still hasn’t stopped.
Pikmin: “it’s a bit gray outside!”
No! It’s not. Even the ducks are carrying umbrellas. It’s blooming raining is what it is!!
The weather in Pokemon Go and other Niantic games is said to use AccuWeather data (I don’t think there was an official announcement). It is said that there are many differences in Japan, and I was quite miffed by the acquisition of snow deco in winter.
My suggesion is “you might be able to get by if you use AccuWeather weather instead of actual weather”. It may be better to act as if it is the weather in the game world and not the real weather.
It’s snowing a lot here and it NEVER snows so I want to get those Pikmin yet my weather says it’s rainy or overcast. So frustrating
An interesting discussion has been posted on X[].
It is in Japanese, so I can summarize it in my own way as follows (this text was translated by DeepL, so there may be some word errors).
1:Weather forecast data from AccuWeather is retrieved at 0:00 GMT and processed by niantic’s algorithm.
2:Displays the most probable weather for each hour
3:However, when a warning or advisory is issued, the number is boosted
Therefore, if you check AccuWeather at 0:00 GMT and a “Heavy Snow Advisory/Worning” is issued, check the hourly data. There is a good chance that it will snow in-game at the time when snow is most likely.
I think the rest of the time it will be a matter of waiting at one of the local roadside selection points.
I have not been able to determine if this analysis is correct, but if it is, please give him a Like on his X post.
It has been pouring rain all day today but the game says it is just ‘partly cloudy’ and I have been planting flowers around all day to try and get a rainy decor pikmin. Why is the weather so inaccurate? This has happened several times now unfortunately.