Giant Drop Rates Awful

Please bring back last year’s giant drop rates.

I understand why drop rates were lowered last month, as you could get flower card Pikmin from both missions, and giant mushrooms. It makes sense to lower the seedling drop rate for giants.

However, I have done 15+ giants, and all except one of them have been 200 currency. We have 4 different sets to collect this month, and no overlap in terms of giants seedlings and mission seedlings.

It is frustrating to not be able to get more than one
LNY Pikmin despite doing everything | can. There is no chance of getting 14 separate lunar new year Pikmin if I can’t even get 14 total. Giants feel pointless now. Please fix this.


same i have done literally 30 event mushrooms, 3 each day since the LNY drop on Jan 25th, and only have 1 seedling so far. 1 out of 30 is a terrible drop rate, theres no way all of us are this unlucky.