♦️ Playing Card 2024 Roster Check

I’m curious about how others are faring. Here’s where I’m at:
18 card pikmin, 3 diamond cards remaining.
I’m starting 4th leg of stage 4. Somehow managed to collect enough seasonal petals for this leg.
Mission 11, 14 cookies to go.
Completed community badge yesterday, will take it a little easier today.

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17 card Pikmin (2 waiting to sprout).

5 card Pikmin still haven’t been unlocked.

At the end of stage 3 I just need to get white carnations which have been IMPOSSIBLE to get in the game over 4+ days.

Mission 13, 1186 cookies to go.

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Got 28 card pikmin and 2 remaining.

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Status update. 30 playing cards, 6♦️ has been elusive. I have one gold playing card seedling in the queue.

Currently on mission 17, and second half of stage 7.

I also need the red spacesuit. Got lucky last year and collected all the space ships. There’s still time so I might get lucky and get the red spacesuit, but am keeping an eye on the special mission.

On mission 20 and second sub-stage of stage 8, I have just completed.

I have 35 Playing card decor pikmin now.

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Congrats @lavista1960 :tada:
I just completed my :diamonds:card set today with my 37th playing card! I was also happy to finally complete my spacesuit collection and my Cheshire cat event outfit.

Current status:
37 card pikmin
Mission 19
Stage 8

I’ve been on vacation this week so I’ve been walking a lot more than usual, allowing me to progress faster than normal.


Congratulations KippyPippy too!

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I have finished the subject to 30 and have not found a single blue, and the stage has gone to 10-1, and there are only two left here.
I probably won’t buy a premium pass. It’s not kawaii.

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How frustrating! Good luck @pasorin! :muscle:

In the end, Stage11-2 was completed for Stage, but as I already wrote, the theme was completed, so I did not compile it.
I will not be buying the theme tickets at … I will use the coins for another mushroom ticket.

Oh , It’s my mistake.

I think you read wrong, the “gold seedling of your choice” is from premium, that it’s regular but have to pay 999 coins (the price of the last ones) to obtain that.

The roullette never guarantee a seedling of your choice for free, it’s premium.
But premium it’s useful if you have a lot of blocks from planting, they give enough to complete the tasks from roullette or that seems to me (never buy it)

I kinda feel betrayed. While I know that there are no guarantees when you open the seedlings, I’ve opened 40 seedlings and am still missing two to complete the deck. I wish there was an algorithm that can at least guarantee for example a new pikmin for every 5 repeats you get…


Ouch, that’s really painful. Too bad the bizarre mushrooms aren’t giving out playing card seedlings too. Hopefully better luck for the upcoming stinky cheese event :crossed_fingers:

My final status:
Mission 30 completed
Stage 12, first part completed
55 playing card pikmin plus two giant card seedlings.
Diamond set complete.

These achievements were way more than normal due to a week of a lot of sight seeing on foot. :hot_face:

Yeah congrats say I really like the joker ones say why so serious :black_joker:

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