2025 Choco Status 💝

:yawning_face: Sorry, I’m feeling burned out from the last event.
I just felt that there were too many overlapping types of decor, and the costume rewards were a bit disappointing.

Currently on Mission 4
Stage 2-3
I have one Choco Pikmin.
I’m missing one Rock sticker, most were collected last year.

Not excited about the costume rewards again. Want more variety instead of chef uniforms. Would be nice to get cupid wings and :bow_and_arrow: for Valentine’s, or handheld items like :teddy_bear: or :bouquet: or chocolate box.

And must the uniforms always have puffy sleeves, ruffles and bows? A grungy stained uniform might be a nice change of pace.

Now on Stage 3-4 and Mission 4
Choco decor pikmin: 8, waiting for yellow.

I had already completed sticker decor pikmin.

I’m busy this month, so using mushroom chicket which got from roulette or mystery box.

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I encountered two pleasant surprises these last few days:
– completed the Valentine sticker collection
– completed the red lunar new year collection

I was missing one type for each of the collection and was surprised when I plucked them from seedlings. I hadn’t planned on getting the special mission tickets for either, so didn’t have high hopes.

Mission 6
Stage 3-2

I only have 4 Choco Pikmin and two are repeats.

Other trivia: this week’s random flower group is taking longer than usual to complete. Usually it completes by end of Wednesday for me.

One time the random group was a bunch of over achievers who finished by the end of the first day, before I could even contribute :sweat_smile: I was too busy!


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On stage4-3, I got yellow choco decor pikmin, then complete the set.

Once I clear stage 4, I will withdraw from this month’s event.

My corrent status are,
I have 13 choco pikmin.
On mission 7.