Can't claim anything from expeditions bug

Hi, I’m an old player who recently reinstalled the game after some months not playing it. I’ve struggled with a bug that doesn’t let me claim my gifts or fruit. This is very frustating because I need to complete expeditions level up and I can’t advance on the current event.

I have some images about the bug, in short the pikmins that give me the fruit stay in place after giving the postal, but after that the screen stays still. If I go back and reenter the squad the pikmins stay bugged. They don’t go for nectar nor join the squad.

Also, I have about 4 expeditions I can’t complete. Here I have some images that can help see what’s going on with them.

I sent 2 messages about this to the client service in the game. I’m aware that others struggle with this as well. I hope this images can help to fix this.

The images from the expeditions shows that the pink pikmin with the lemon is ready to give it to me. But that image was taken after the others I showed claiming this fruit.

The others 2 images shows that I can’t progress in anything because they require completing expeditions to be completed.

This is all I can show. Hope this gets fix because I like the game and always come back and try it more and more. But things like this can drive old players to not revisit it.

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