I just wanted to share this info in case you weren’t aware. I had assumed everyone got the same reward but that’s not the case. Today, I battled some bizarre mushrooms with a family member and we got different rewards when the battle finished. For example, I got blossoms and some cookies, while my fellow participant got a spacesuit seedling and more cookies . After another battle, I got the better rewards
It’s always RNG, the fruits doesnt even have to be the same.
And the box neither, since halloween 2022
My brother usually gives me white seasonal flowers picked in mushrooms, I give him blue seasonal nectar in the same method.
We walk and plant together, the fruits from big flowers in those are random in the same color (can give a lemon to him and a orange to me), have to be the mushroom battles (we do them together, too)
Walking and planting with another really helps with blooming flowers . @Arnaisz are you and your sibling at similar levels? My family member is new to the game and at a much lower level, so I sometimes don’t want to invite them to some of my battles
. I’d feel as if I’m letting down the other strong participants. But if there is no chance in reaching another star during the battle then I’ll do the invite:smirk:.
@KippyPippy Both level 100, we walk a lot (plant we are extremely lazy)
And we know about the RNG very well, we are even more extremely lucky. Our local player it isnt… she miss 3 halloween candy in 2022. Have similar level to us and we do those event mushrooms, the 3 dailys, together