Search in pikmin tab after v98 is release

In v98 (release in July 2024) there is a feature for searching pikmin in it’s respective tab:

Search in your game language (ex. park is parque in spanish) If your game it isnt in english park doesnt bring any result, in the case of spanish have to search parque

  • Search for category (park, forest, etc) brings all the pikmin in that, even decor-less
    With restaurant the search dont go well, because all the restaurants have that word (chef, italian, curry, etc.) Suggest order by decor for this or similar categories that can have multiple results.
  • Search for decor (3 leaf clover, accorn, etc) bring the pikmin that have the specific decor (doesnt show the decor-less even in categories with only 1 decor)
  • Type of the pikmin (red, blue, yellow, purple, white, rock, winged)
    Red also bring red NLY decor, that happens because red is also part of that decor name.
  • Use favorite for search the pikmin selected as that.
  • Search for state of the pikmin: wilted, leaf, bud, flower, bloom, squad, busy
    The states in v98 need to use english, in v99 the search use your game language. If your game language fails for states, try english because can be that.

  • Wilted are the bare pikmin (those feeded 6 times)
    Leaf for searching those with that state
    Bud for the same (bud gives 2x petals for each nectar)
    Flower it’s pikmin with any kind of flower (either basic or seasonal)
    Bloom it’s pikmin that are feeded but not picked the petals.
    Squad for pikmin that are in it without holding a fruit.
    Busy for those who are occupied (either holding a fruit, doing expeditions or mushrooms)

Search with other criteria

  • Search for hearts, between 0* and 8* (number 0 to 8 with an * beside it) numbers 0 to 4 are red hearts, 5 to 8 are golden ones.
  • For deny the next search ! symbol (a !8* search for all pikmin that doesnt have full golden hearts) Can be used with number or word
  • Search between some number with - symbol (5-8* search all the pikmin that have golden hearts, only one * for this) Can be done without a number (for example -7* search for all the pikmin that have 3 golden hearts or less)
  • Multiple criterias with &. For example -4* & !special (special it’s the official english name for event decor) search all the pikmin with only red hearts that arent event decors.

You can seach things that the pikmin have like part of pikmin names, place where you find it, etc.

The search have to be with accents, if your game have accent in the word, you have to write it (in spanish petreo=rock, petreo doesnt bring anything, pétreo (the official word) bring all the rock pikmin) Uppercase or lowercase doesnt matter, they convert it.
Feel free to add others if someone find new ones.
There are a few ones that I dont manage to obtain (steps, date for seedling and probably I miss something more)

You have to order before the search, it doesnt allow to do after.

Dont know where this go, I put here because is useful for all players

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Now this is semi-useless for english users, for other languages have some reasons (because they use some words that can be very confused)
I find that the traduction of seasonal for:

português - sazonal
spanish - "de temporada (quotation mark included)

The other languages I dont have them, but base-romance (french, italian, etc.) it’s going to be similar to those words.
Seasonal it’s a search for the flower of the month only.