Impossible to edit my mii or to update my mii on the app
It’s been months (6 months exactly), and can not access to the “edit my mii” or “ update my mii” on my profile !!! I click on both of the buttons and nothing happens it’s so frustrating…. I contacted the support every week but they don’t do anything I already tried to remove the app multiple times…
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Hi, @jujuubee! We are thrilled to welcome you to the community forum!
Try these suggestions and see if they work:
Check that cookies are enabled and use your phone’s web browser to access Nintendo
Update your Mii and save it on the Nintendo page. Minimize the browser, but don’t close it.
Open Pikmin Bloom and select the “Edit Mii” option.
Select “Continue”.
Tap “Select this Mii” and “Yes” after selecting a Mii.
You will be redirected to the app, where you must save your changes. Give these steps a shot, and try updating your Mii again. If the issue persists, write to us via in-app support, along with the screen recordings, and we can look into it.
Also experiencing the same problem. Trouble shooting suggestions above had no effect.
Hi, @dienyddio! Welcome to the community forum!
Please reinstall the app try the above troubleshooting steps again and see if you can edit them. If the issue persists, write to us via in-app support, with the screen recording, and we can look into it.
Anybody else unable to use the Mii associated with your Nintendo account? I’ve had this issue for over a month and reported it 3 different times.
Basically I’ve been using the Mii that I edited with my Nintendo account in pinning bloom since 2021 and a month ago it glitched and my face changed to one of the default faces and now I can’t change it back!
Any time I try to click “edit through my Nintendo account” nothing happens. Not sure what steps to take. I’ve logged out and back in, unlinked and delinked my accounts, etc
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Hello @AlexGnauden ! Welcome to the community forum. I’ve merged your post with a related thread for visibility.
Please try the above troubleshooting steps and see if you can edit them. If the issue persists, write to us via in-app support, with the screen recording, and we can look into it.
Same issue… and i report it every couple weeks. Really disappointing, if it’s not fixed soon I might just ditch the game.
Hello @loog9199 . Welcome to the community forum. Could you please contact us through in-app support so we can check and assist you better? Please choose General Questions when you contact us.
I find a solution, need to enter with Nintendo’s account itself, other login methods doesnt allow to change mii (even if you have nintendo’s account linked)
I usually enter with gmail, for other reason I enter with my nintendo’s account, try to change it and the buttons work.