Finding event flowers

I’m not sure if I’m the only one, but it’s impossible to complete the events. I keep getting stuck on stage three, needing whatever color event flower is first. No matter how many mushrooms I take down or flowers bloom in my area, I can’t find any of the red event flowers I need! If I do find it, it’s usually one single bloom. Am I doing something wrong??


You can get it in the in-game shop.

I think there’s a way to change the growing flower. I discovered yesterday that if you plant red flowers, a red flower will appear. But still dont know how to get the exact bloom, i tried to plant the one i wanted but didnt work :frowning:

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Yeah I’m not doing well with these challenges! They make it impossible unless you spend money to get the things you need. :weary:

Plant only red flowers around megaflowers for be sure it bloom in red, if its sure its the one you want, it will be said in the megaflower info menu

Yes that sounds actually correct :slight_smile: