Cannot receive postcards from a event mushroom

I have already submitted an in-app support, and this issue is occurring simultaneously for three users who entered the same event mushroom.

  • Issue:

  • When trying to collect the postcard, the Pikmin freeze, preventing the collection of subsequently delivered resources.

  • Even after restarting the game, the Pikmin continue attempting to retrieve the postcard, blocking progress.

  • Specific Problems:

  • Event Pikmin get trapped behind the postcard, making them unavailable for new mushrooms or other quests.

  • When zooming in, you can see the postcard floating in the air above the Pikmin, which completely blocks the queue.

  • During event mushroom battles, the event Pikmin are always stuck, making normal gameplay difficult.

  • Outcome:

  • As a result, rewards cannot be collected and Pikmin cannot be deployed for other quests, causing a significant disruption in game progress.

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I have an almost identical issue, except my pikmin came back with a Peach from an expedition and after showing the animation for the postcard it then shows nothing else and the pikmin are stuck waiting for the postcard. It never loads, no matter how long I wait. I have tried:

  • Waiting
  • Restarting the game
  • Re-installing the app

Nothing seems to work, please fix this issue ASAP, it seems to be a persistent bug at least since June of last year.

Hello @anthrum and @OneiriCat . Could you please contact us through in-app support so we can check and assist you better? Please choose General Questions when you contact us.

I have the same problem.
I already sent in-app report.
Help me @NianticModEH @NianticModJC