Flower bloomed is not the same color as petals used

I planted 2 flowers from their fresh bud state (300 petals needed) and used 151 white cattleya petals and 149 white daisy petals to try and get 2 white cattleyas but when they bloomed, they were both red cattleyas. I made sure I had pressed white petals both times. Then I experimented by planting 80 red cattleya petals, 80 yellow cattleya petals and the remainder with white petals and got a blue helleborus?? Is the game just spazzing out on me? Admittedly I was playing in subzero temperatures…

For colored flowers, it will be the maximum number of colors, but white flowers will be transparent and colored when planted in a certain number of other colors (even if white is the majority).

Even if all white flowers are planted, there can be “mutations” and they can become colored. The mutation rate varies greatly from flower to flower, and in reality it was difficult to increase the number of white flowers in some flowers, but this month’s camellia has a relatively good low mutation rate.

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I am a newly returned player (only started playing in earnest starting last week) and had not heard of the possibility of white petal planting leading to a color mutation! Thank you for letting me know of this critical piece of info.

Admittedly this is giving me anxiety for the rest of the white cattleyas I’m supposed to plant… as I don’t have enough petals to finish that task. Oh boy.