How do you get a higher score for each Pikmin when you want to enter a Mushroom battle??
That it’s a very long question…
First, order by Strengh if you havent got it in the selector, it usually go from above to below.
If they are below to above, that it’s reverse, click another time in Strengh to change it.
Now need to sum all the values for damage:
Each color have a base:
- 6-purple,
- 5 rock,
- 4-red,
- 3-yellow and blue,
- 2 white and winged.
Each full red heart (the ones before decor) gives 1 damage
After the red hearts have golden hearts, each one gives 4 damage but each one of them requires a lot of friendship.
If they have decor, add 4.
You can have decor instantly in 10k and golden seedlings; for color seedling, after reaching 4 red hearts you obtain a gift with the decor (the pikmin that give the gift to you have to pick it in his birthday place)
Each mushroom have a color or type, depending of that the damage varies:
- If the color matches the pikmin, add 12 (blue pikmin to a blue mushroom with 4 red hearts and decor have at least 23 damage (3 for blue + 4 for red hearts + 4 for decor + 12 for mushroom))
- If it dont matches add 3 (a winged to a blue mushroom without friendship have 5 damage (2 for winged + 3 for mushroom))
- The elemental add 100 damage, but only can send the pikmin of their type.
- The monthly event decors add 200 to their event mushrooms, usually there are an event decor with more damage and some with that or less.
- The monthly event decor add some damage to non-event mushrooms. (ex. until the end of the month, a paint decor add 15 to non-event musrooms)
Each flower in the pikmin adds damage
- 0 - bare (in this you cant feed them)
- 1 - leaf
- 2 - bud
- 3 - basic flower
- 4 - seasonal flower
- 5 - flower of the month (see in the News->flower forecast which one it is)
I think this it is, in the pikminwiki and the FAQ here can have more info (the damage it’s from the pikminwiki)
Well just how strong are your Pikmin